Showcase 15. november
Kl. 20:50 - 21:20

The Langan Band ( Skottland) 

Skotske The Langan Band har holdt det gående med sin “lovløse” og virtuose stil i femten år, og er aktuelle med albumet “Plight O’ Sheep” som kom ut i 2023.

De tre musikerene startet bandet med felles respekt for tradisjonelle låter, men oppdaget fort at de hadde en forkjærlighet for å bryte med tradisjonen og erstatte den med innovasjon. Resultatet var et uttrykk som både provoserer og imponerer, noe som blant annet førte til at de mottok den prestisjetunge prisen Danny Kyle Award under Celtic Connections.

Trioen henter inspirasjon fra mange steder, der tradisjonell skotsk folkemusikk, østeuropeisk sigøynermusikk, amerikansk old-time og progressiv jazz er mest fremtredende. Og det er når alle instrumentene blander seg sammen med stemmeprakten fra alle tre at en kakafoni av glede sprer seg i musikken. Velkommen til en energibombe av en trio!

John Langan – vokal, gitar, perkusjon
Alastair Caplin – fele
Dave Tunstall – kontrabass

Lisa Whytock

The Langan Band (Scotland) 

For over 15 years now, the three members of The Langan Band have been carving out their own lawlessly virtuosic path of sound; rampaging through the boundaries of conventional genre and cavorting into the territories of wild abandon, purest intimacy, and unconditional musical elation. 

The trio were initially brought together by a deep respect of traditional song and music, yet they discovered a mutual love of the evisceration and regeneration of these pieces into provocative and fascinating new compositions, as was recognised by the band winning the prestigious Danny Kyle Award at Glasgow’s Celtic Connections Festival at the start of their journey together. This sound and process went on to inform the band’s now mostly original repertoire, and has resulted in a musical experience quite unlike any other. 

The sound of the group reaches its zenith when all of their instruments are joined by the three voices singing together in razor- tight harmony to create an absolute cacophony of joy. 

Whilst it is possible to see the evidence of influences the band have drawn on and enjoyed (Trad. Scots music, Eastern European Gypsy, Progressive Jazz and American Old-Time to name a few), the true nature of the sound from The Langan Band is best described as un- pigeon-holeable, yet utterly irresistible. 

John Langan – vocals guitar, percussion
Alastair Caplin – fiddle
Dave Tunstall – doublebas

Lisa Whytock


The Langland band

The Langland band - Folkelarmartist 2024